I hope everyone is keeping well and safe during these strange and worrying times.
Like a lot of people, I’ve been furloughed until further notice. I work in digital marketing for a pub company, so it’s no surprise as to why I’m currently not at my job.
And being on furlough leave has meant that I’ve been fortunate enough to get on with my personal hobbies, like oil painting. I had been working on this “Three Crows” painting since 2018 but then my lovely cat, Mick, was tragically taken from us and I ‘downed tools’ for a while to process.
All of this ‘free time’ has enabled me to finish the painting and it’s now sold and on it’s way to a new home. Selling a piece of your art is reassuring for any artist, especially if you constantly doubts your skills (like me).
I’ve included a selection of images of my the oil painting below. It’s entitled “Three Crows” and the overall mood is pensive now that I’ve really looked at the finished piece. Mournfully pensive, even.
The feelings I had whilst painting were sensations of lingering time, but knowing the outcome.

I struggle with backgrounds, always, and this was no exception, but I felt the rainbow contrasted with the shiny crows. All of the doubt, hope, fear and knowing mingling well.

As always, I’d really appreciate some feedback on this, especially as I haven’t been able to show anyone in person.