Image transfer onto used facewipe
A used item has become synonomous with my practise. I feel that 50% of the contextualisation of any piece of mine is bought forward through the items own history and set value based upon the value system.
The ribcage is not essential to this piece at all. In fact, I am just trialing the process of transferring imagery using cellulose thinners. I think this is a success: it hasn’t masked the discoloured facewipe nor is the image too transparent.
Foreword for my friends group exhibition: Five Seasons at the Torkaska Gallery in Walthamstow, London – by ME
Inspired by a model’s ‘finery’ at the Berlin Fashion and Food festival. I cannot think of any other two entities more opposing than these, I mean firstly, models spend half of their time throwing back up every morsel that has passed their lips, and secondly, posh frocks and slippery seaweed/octopus on the menu…do the fashion freaks really want to spoil their garms?? Obviously inspired by Lady Gaga’s meat dress, and I know that I advocate equal value upon each individual creature, however Octopuses are a little more endangered than densely farmed cattle.
This is just a preliminary study for a painting. It needs some fluoros and enlarging onto canvas——more to follow.